Sunday, August 25, 2019

Reaction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 19

Reaction paper - Essay Example This was a bunker designed for war yet Germans managed to creatively put a semblance of home. On a larger scale, this can be reflected in the products that they make which reflects utmost creativity. There is a famous saying in German that goes "Wenn schon, denn schon". It meant that if there is something that is worth doing, it is worth doing right. In short, Germans are perfectionist with work and do not do half baked and half hazard jobs and this complements their creativity that led them to produce cars that is a symbol of luxury and creativity. There is another German clichà © that goes "Ordnung muß sein!" It meant order and everything should be done by the rules. As a result, they are conscious about time that being late among Germans is unthinkable and this reflects how they put value to orderliness. In a way Americans share the same creativity, thoroughness and orderliness with Germans but not on the same level. Gleaning on the example given about cars, Americans has Ford and General Motors which is not really at par with German Mercedez Benz and

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