Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Advertising and Marketing Communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Advertising and Marketing Communications - Essay Example It needs to be very targeted, precise and significant for them in order for them to take notice and understand that the particular brand connects with them in the best and most easiest of manners possible and hence they should be the ones to buy it for themselves and for this reason satisfy their need or even please themselves more than they had already expected. It is a sure tough job for the people who have to extract the perfect message which needs to be sharpened again and again before it actually gets down to the right kind of people who will make the actual purchase and therefore the product will be sold in the end. However, on the flip side of the coin, this requires selling the product or the brand in the mind of the consumer before he actually decides to go and buy the very same. The earth is considered as one of the most beautiful planets in the whole wide universe that we live in as our mother earth is the only planet in the entire universe that has enough water in order to provide support to life. Distressing to know is the fact that our planet is on the receiving end courtesy a number of problems that need to be solved before the world become nothing less than a complete smoke house. Hence quite rightly so the principal problem that we are facing in the world today is that of pollution, no matter in whichever form it exists. Pollution is a factor that is threatening our world in the present times. One such example to quote here is that of nitrogen. Considering the same, human beings are adding around 100 to 150 million tons over the 90 to 150 tons that are already in production with relation to the nitrogen cycle. So this excess in nitrogen has caused coastal waters as well as estuaries to grow toxic form of algae as well as killed the fish and not to fo rget the trapping of the solar heat in the air as a result, as well. This paper has focused on an advertisement which is on

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