Saturday, October 19, 2019

Writing a research proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Writing a research proposal - Essay Example In this regard, this proposal will dwell much on the effectiveness of using internet in fostering English learning and reading in high school in Sydney, Australia. This study is important as it will try to show whether the most used means of communication and information sharing can have a significant contribution towards better grades in high schools. Further, it will leave the option of using other means of learning to the schools incase it doesn’t have any impact. According to James, J. (2000), the Internet is a new and an expanding tool for learning which if well utilized according to the intended needs then it can transform the world to a global village in terms of knowledge and learning skills. To him, a study done on the effectiveness of the internet in learning had no significant reason as to why it should not be believed to be a tool which is effective. To Vargo, J (2007), internet technologies provide a sound foundation on which to build more effective and efficient educational programmes which can enhance students learning and understanding what they are learning. Internet in its capacity as a tool is like a ripple on the surface of education in that, it offers an intellectual challenge which can be said to be an educational history of the whole mankind (Arsham, H 2007). According to him, the importance of internet in education system and in particular the use of the Web is a well known fact. In the internet according to Arsham, H (2007), a wealth of resources as well as techniques do exist which act as sources of both new practices and easily accessible methods which can be adopted for the various formats learning and understanding. According to him further, the internet technology allows students keep up with their minds while letting them try their ideas once they come up with them. In general, students should appreciate

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